Thursday, August 27, 2015

Welcome Everyone

Lake Clinton
Photo by Cortney Piper
Hello everyone. My name is Cortney Piper and I am an avid water lover. My daughter and I love to spend the summers on the beach, at the pool, or where ever we can splash around.We love to spend the day in the sun.

 I am from Missouri and until recently I had no knowledge of all the awesome lakes and such we Topekans had close by. I am excited to share the places that I have found and maybe learn of a few new places along the way. I hope you enjoy the things that I share.


  1. I enjoyed reading about these waterways! I actually have never heard of any of them until now, but I definitely want to go visit them. They sound like a lot of fun and I think I will actually be going sometime soon before it gets too cold out. I'm very excited to read about more waterways and activities that you suggest because I love to be outdoors and in the water as well.


  2. Since I'm new to the area, I really like your posts! The activities you write about sound like a lot of fun, and I think this blog is a great idea.

  3. Thanks ladies! I am having fun sharing these places with you and I look forward to putting out more information and fun places to visit.
